Tipping the Balance

Throughout our lives we experience many periods of imbalance and it generally disrupts our daily routines.  Depending upon the degree of the imbalance, utter chaos may ensue.   The result — we lose focus and drift aimlessly until balance is returned.

We often hear people say “you need to balance things in your life better.”  How do we achieve balance?  Balance comes to us in many different ways through exercise, yoga, listening to music, or discarding duties and tasks that are overwhelming or by eliminating stressful situations.

Conversely, however, the balance which we seek and achieve, many times can create stagnation and stress in our lives.  Balance can also have a tendency to regulate or impede movement forward toward the achievement of one’s higher purpose and being truly happy.

There is a point at which happiness and unhappiness are coexisting in equal proportion.  To be truly happy, one has to tip the balance and intentionally induce some degree of imbalance in order to create new movement toward one’s true purpose.  Perpetual balance fosters complacency with one’s current condition.  This complacency creates anxiety and stress, the very things we do not wish to have in our lives!

Being in the closet is a perfect example of the conflict between happiness and unhappiness.  While many aspects of a closeted individual’s life may be grounded in happiness, there is always a degree of unhappiness that exists due to living two lives simultaneously.

In our evolution toward coming out, we reach a point where happiness and unhappiness exists in equal proportion.  The decision to come out is the result of one’s desire to tip the balance away from stress resulting from denying our true essence toward being the person we were meant to be.

What is your choice?  I encourage you to decide to tip the balance.  Choose a path that will empower you as the individual you are meant to be.  Seize the moment and make your life yours.  Release it from the captivity of complacency induced by a false sense of balance.